Hey guys i try used list view @shoutem/ui and have issue with that! Here is my code to renderRow
renderRow(rowData, sectionId, index) {
const cellViews = rowData.map((channel, id) => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity key={id} styleName="flexible">
<Tile styleName="small clear">
styleName="medium-square rounded-corners"
source={{ uri: channel.defaultImage }}
<View styleName="content">
<Subtitle numberOfLines={3}>{channel.name}</Subtitle>
<View styleName="horizontal">
<Caption styleName="collapsible" numberOfLines={2}>{channel.status}</Caption>
return (
<GridRow columns={3}>
and at function render() i define 1 groupedData like: const groupedData = GridRow.groupByRows(this.state.dataArr, 3);
But my result work not well! Image in row conflict with near row Like this image! Pls help me some solution can fix this! I try all style of image in tutorial but still not work :( Here is my facing:
It is better to set width and height to your item.
For example,
style={{width : screenWidth / 3, height: screenWidth / 3 }}.
Gridview will not implement a horizontal scroll view for you by default, so when your total width exceed the screenWidth , they will be in conflict.
Another method maybe works: You could regard each row as another listview to render, but I did not have a try.