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Fast impertive pointers (static, unboxing, etc.) with Struct library

I am interested in using more efficient pointers for a project implementing an imperative language in Haskell. There is already a library for that: Struct. There is a blog post on it and brief documentation.

The problem is there is only a quite sophisticated example of linkcut trees. For someone like me who doesn't use Haskell on a daily basis, it is quite exhausting to battle little documented code, template haskell, etc.

I would need a simpler example to get started, along the lines of expressing either of those two data types:

import Data.IORef

data DLL a = DLL a (Maybe (IORef (DLL a))) (Maybe (IORef (DLL a)))

data DLLINT = DLLINT Int (Maybe (IORef DLLINT)) (Maybe (IORef DLLINT))

This should be just a few simple lines for someone who is fluent in Haskell/GHC.

How do I express one of the data types above with the Struct library?


  • I managed to get your DLL type working with Structs as follows:

    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RoleAnnotations #-}
    module DubLiList where
    import Control.Monad.Primitive
    import Data.Struct.TH
    import Data.Struct
    import Data.Struct.Internal
    makeStruct [d|
      data DLL a s = DLL
        { prev :: !(DLL a s)
        , value :: a
        , next :: !(DLL a s)
    new :: (PrimMonad m) => a -> m (DLL a (PrimState m))
    new x = st $ newDLL Nil x Nil
    insert :: (PrimMonad m) => a -> DLL a (PrimState m) -> m (DLL a (PrimState m))
    insert x this = st $ do
        prev' <- get prev this
        new <- newDLL prev' x this
        set prev this new
        set next prev' new
        return new
    delete :: (PrimMonad m) => DLL a (PrimState m) -> m ()
    delete this = st $ do
        prev' <- get prev this
        next' <- get next this
        set next prev' next'
        set prev next' prev'
    toList :: (PrimMonad m) => DLL a (PrimState m) -> m [a]
    toList this = st $ do
        if isNil this then return [] else do
            x <- getField value this
            that <- get next this
            (x:) <$> toList that

    Here's an example of using it:

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        dll <- new "foo"           -- [foo]
        dll' <- insert "bar" dll   -- [bar, foo]
        insert "baz" dll           -- [bar, baz, foo]
        xs <- toList dll'
        print xs