Given some complex object, e.g.:
> d = Dict(("a", "b")=>3, ("c", "d")=>2)
Dict{Tuple{String,String},Int64} with 2 entries:
("c","d") => 2
("a","b") => 3
I could check the type with:
> isa(d, Dict{Tuple{String, String},Int64})
But when I underspecify the Tuple type, it failed the check:
> isa(d, Dict{Tuple,Int64})
Is it possible to check for underspecified types in Julia? If so, how? If not, why?
In Julia, dictionaries, like arrays, are invariant. For example, see this question on the concept as it applies to arrays.
This means that:
julia> Int <: Number
julia> Vector{Int} <: Vector{Number}
and similarly,
julia> Dict{Int, String} <: Dict{Number, String}
However, note that Dict
on its own is abstract, so
julia> Dict{Int, String} <: Dict
and in the code you provide,
julia> isa(d, Dict)
As far as I know, if you want to reason specifically about the pair of types in your dictionary, you will need to reference them explicitly. You can do this using keytype(d)
and valtype(d)
. For example, from your question, note that
julia> keytype(d) <: Tuple
Of course, if your dictionary is passed into a function, then you can use Dict{T1, T2}
in the function signature, and then just reason about T1
and T2
EDIT: See @FengyangWang's answer for a neat little syntax shortcut being introduced in v0.6