I have spent the better part of a day trying to connect to PAServer on MAC OSX from my Windows PC with no luck. I am not sure what I am missing.
I am using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo on Windows. Trying to connect to PAServer 19.0 on a Mac Mini running macOS Sierra (10.12.4) on which I already have XCode (v8.3.2) installed along with Command Line Tools.
Both the dev machine as well as the Mac Mini are connected to the same Wifi network. I even tried connecting both machines to a different network but with the same issue.
I get the same error message every time that the connection failed. I suspect that it has something to do with the network - where the 2 machines cannot see each other, but I don't know how I can confirm this or resolve it. I have tried to search on SO as well as online but have not found anything that has helped.
Has anyone seen this issue and overcome it? Is there a set of steps I can go thru to troubleshoot this? Any help or guidance would be most appreciated!
OK - I kept trying out different things and was able to solve this issue (one way to solve it I guess).
Because it seemed like it was network related, I tried first to create a hotspot with my phone and connected the dev machine and the Mac Mini to it. The PAServer connection worked.
So I looked for a way to do this via Windows. Here are the steps I followed:
Settings > Network & Internet
(on Windows 10)Mobile Hotspot
and select Wi-Fi
in the Share my
Connection From
dropdownNetwork name
and Network password
Share my Internet connection with other devices
Now on the Mac, connect to the network name we set up in step 3 and enter the password that was set. Then start PAServer on the Mac. That's it!
Now when you connect from Delphi to PAServer, the connection succeeds.
Note: Interestingly, when I was not using the mobile hotspot method on Windows, the IP address on PAServer (and on Windows) was 10.xx.xx.xx. With the mobile hotspot, the IP address is 192.xx.xx.xx.