My manifest is as follows:
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: myapp
5 spec:
6 containers:
7 - name: myapp
8 image: "myapp"
9 ports:
10 - containerPort: 3000
11 command: ["bash"]
12 args: ["-c", "sleep 999999"]
13 imagePullSecrets:
14 - name: regsecret
15 volumeMount:
16 - name: "secret-volume"
17 mountPath: "/etc/udev"
18 readOnly: true
19 volumes:
20 - name: "secret-volume"
21 secret:
22 - name: "myappsecret"
It produces the following error:
error validating data: [found invalid field volumeMount for v1.PodSpec, field spec.volumes[0].secret: expected object of type map[string]interface{}, but the actual type is []interface {}];
Why is volumeMount
invalid? It seems like it is stated here that there is such directive.
Also I don't really understand how to specify the secret as a mount. Tried several things including a suggestion here:
Turns out volumeMount needs to be under the containers directive and slight change to the secret volume structure was necessary:
1 apiVersion: v1
2 kind: Pod
3 metadata:
4 name: myapp
5 spec:
6 containers:
7 - name: myapp
8 image: "myapp"
9 ports:
10 - containerPort: 3000
11 command: ["bash"]
12 args: ["-c", "sleep 999999"]
13 volumeMounts:
14 - name: "secret-volume"
15 mountPath: "/etc/secret-volume"
16 readOnly: true
17 imagePullSecrets:
18 - name: regsecret
19 volumes:
20 - name: "secret-volume"
21 secret:
22 secretName: "myappsecret"