I've seen a couple of articles on this but still can't figure it out.
I am unable to update the parent scope from the within a directive. I have read the articles saying the scope value should not be primitive and instead it should be an object but still can't figure out why this is not working.
['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.durations = [{
field: 'yearly',
title: 'Yearly'
}, {
field: 'monthly',
title: 'Monthly'
}, {
field: 'weekly',
title: 'Weekly'
$scope.selectedDuration = $scope.durations[0];
$scope.handleDurationSelection = function () {
console.log($scope.selectedDuration.field + ' selected');
$scope.someData.title[0] = "SOMETHING ELSE!!";
$scope.someData= {
title: ['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3'] };
the directive doesn't have any stuff in it:
angular.module("awaCommon").directive("durationSelection", [
function () {
return {
scope: {}, // tried removing this as well as seen in some articles
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "duration-selection.html",
link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) {
below the duration-selection.html which contains the select:
<div ng-controller="someController">
Child: {{someData.title[0]}}
ng-options="item.title for item in durations"
So this value above in the Child: {{someData.title[0]}} - gets updated properly when value is selected. But the one in here - Parent: {{someData.title[0]}}, in the main route is not:
<div ng-controller="someController">
Parent: {{someData.title[0]}}
I need the parent scope to be updated in order to update different directives
The way to interact and update your parent scope from your directive is to use
Example For each of the above possibilities
angular.module("eventTest", [])
.controller("mainCtrl", function ($scope){
console.log("am here");
$scope.parentValue = "test";
$scope.valueToPass = ["Male", "Female"];
//let's catch the updated content
$scope.$on('childUpdated', function(event, value){
$scope.parentValue = value;
console.log("updated from child directive", value);
.directive("child", function(){
return {
scope: {
controller: function ($scope){
//this is method is triggered when the select of our valueToPass is changed
$scope.childChanges = function (value){
$scope.$emit('childUpdated', value);
console.log("child emitted this:", value);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="eventTest">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<h1>Event Test Just for your case, advise you read up</h1>
Parent: <b>{{parentValue}}</b>
<child value-to-pass="valueToPass"></child>
<script type='text/ng-template' id="child.html">
Child value : <b>{{menu}}<b> <br>
<select ng-model="menu" ng-change="childChanges(menu)">
<option ng-repeat="item in valueToPass">{{item}}</option>
angular.module("eventTest", [])
.controller("mainCtrl", function ($scope){
console.log("am here");
$scope.parentValue = "test";
$scope.primaryVariable = "Male";
$scope.onChange = function (){
$scope.parentValue = $scope.primaryVariable;
.directive("child", function(){
return {
scope: {
callMe:"&"//note this syntax, check angular directive doc
controller: function ($scope){
$scope.valueToPass = ["Male", "Female"];
//this is method is triggered when the select of our primaryVarible is changed
$scope.childChanges = function (){
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="eventTest">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<h1>Directive Function Passing</h1>
Parent: <b>{{parentValue}}</b>
<child primary-variable="primaryVariable" call-me="onChange()"></child>
<script type='text/ng-template' id="child.html">
Child value : <b>{{primaryVariable}}<b> <br>
<select ng-model="primaryVariable" ng-change="childChanges()">
<option ng-repeat="item in valueToPass">{{item}}</option>
angular.module("eventTest", [])
.controller("mainCtrl", function ($scope){
console.log("am here");
$scope.parentValue = "test";
$scope.primaryVariable = "Male";
.directive("child", function(){
return {
scope: {
controller: function ($scope){
$scope.valueToPass = ["Male", "Female"];
//this is method is triggered when the select of our primaryVarible is changed
$scope.childChanges = function (){
$scope.$parent.parentValue = $scope.primaryVariable;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="eventTest">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<h1>Using $parent</h1>
Parent: <b>{{parentValue}}</b>
<child primary-variable="primaryVariable"></child>
<script type='text/ng-template' id="child.html">
Child value : <b>{{primaryVariable}}<b> <br>
<select ng-model="primaryVariable" ng-change="childChanges()">
<option ng-repeat="item in valueToPass">{{item}}</option>
angular.module("eventTest", [])
.controller("mainCtrl", function ($scope){
console.log("am here");
$scope.parentValue = "test";
$scope.primaryVariable = "Male";
$scope.$watch('primaryVariable', function(){
$scope.parentValue = $scope.primaryVariable;
.directive("child", function(){
return {
scope: {
controller: function ($scope){
$scope.valueToPass = ["Male", "Female"];
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="eventTest">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<h1>using $watch</h1>
Parent: <b>{{parentValue}}</b>
<child primary-variable="primaryVariable"></child>
<script type='text/ng-template' id="child.html">
Child value : <b>{{primaryVariable}}<b> <br>
<select ng-model="primaryVariable" ng-change="childChanges()">
<option ng-repeat="item in valueToPass">{{item}}</option>
Hope this helps