I am extremely new to WPF and am trying to create an application where I will have a globe plotted in one tab with a flat map in the second tab. I was able to get the globe plotted in a test application, with the code below:
<Window x:Class="SphereTutorial.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<earth:SphereMeshGenerator x:Key="SphereGeometrySource1"/>
<MeshGeometry3D x:Key="SphereGeometry1"
Positions="{Binding Source={StaticResource
SphereGeometrySource1}, Path=Geometry.Positions}"
TriangleIndices="{Binding Source={StaticResource
SphereGeometrySource1}, Path=Geometry.TriangleIndices}"
TextureCoordinates="{Binding Source={StaticResource SphereGeometrySource1}, Path=Geometry.TextureCoordinates}"/>
<Viewport3D x:Name="mainScene3D">
<PerspectiveCamera x:Name="mainCam" LookDirection="-1,0,0" Position="5,0,0" UpDirection="0,1,0"/>
<AmbientLight Color="White"/>
<GeometryModel3D Geometry="{StaticResource SphereGeometry1}">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="H:\C#\SphereTutorial\SphereTutorial\Images\Earth.jpg"/>
The sphere code I pulled from this link with the code given here:
namespace VenProp.Sphere3D
class SphereMeshGenerator
private int _slices = 100;
private int _stacks = 50;
private Point3D _center = new Point3D();
private double _radius = 1;
public int Slices
get { return _slices; }
set { _slices = value; }
public int Stacks
get { return _stacks; }
set { _stacks = value; }
public Point3D Center
get { return _center; }
set { _center = value; }
public double Radius
get { return _radius; }
set { _radius = value; }
public MeshGeometry3D Geometry
return CalculateMesh();
private MeshGeometry3D CalculateMesh()
MeshGeometry3D mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();
for (int stack = 0; stack <= Stacks; stack++)
double phi = Math.PI / 2 - stack * Math.PI / Stacks;
double y = _radius * Math.Sin(phi);
double scale = -_radius * Math.Cos(phi);
for (int slice = 0; slice <= Slices; slice++)
double theta = slice * 2 * Math.PI / Slices;
double x = scale * Math.Sin(theta);
double z = scale * Math.Cos(theta);
Vector3D normal = new Vector3D(x, y, z);
mesh.Positions.Add(normal + Center);
mesh.TextureCoordinates.Add(new Point((double)slice / Slices, (double)stack / Stacks));
for (int stack = 0; stack <= Stacks; stack++)
int top = (stack + 0) * (Slices + 1);
int bot = (stack + 1) * (Slices + 1);
for (int slice = 0; slice < Slices; slice++)
if (stack != 0)
mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(top + slice);
mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(bot + slice);
mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(top + slice + 1);
if (stack != Stacks - 1)
mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(top + slice + 1);
mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(bot + slice);
mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(bot + slice + 1);
return mesh;
I was able to verify that it does work with this method; however, when I went to implement the same logic in my application, things broke down. For some reason, it starts to render the image on the edges only. I have a feeling that it could have to do with being in a DockPanel? The 2D image works fine in its DockPanel though. Here is the code that does not work:
<Window x:Class="VenProp.MainWindow"
Height="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight}, Converter={local:RatioConverter}, ConverterParameter='0.9' }"
Width="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth}, Converter={local:RatioConverter}, ConverterParameter='0.9' }"
<!-- Window Resources -->
<sphere:SphereMeshGenerator x:Key="SphereGeometrySource"/>
<MeshGeometry3D x:Key="SphereGeometry"
Positions="{Binding Source={StaticResource SphereGeometrySource}, Path=Geometry.Positions}"
TriangleIndices="{Binding Source={StaticResource SphereGeometrySource}, Path=Geometry.TriangleIndicies}"
TextureCoordinates="{Binding Source={StaticResource SphereGeometrySource}, Path=Geometry.TextureCoordinates}"/>
<!-- Overall Container is VERTICAL-->
<!-- Top Menu -->
<Menu DockPanel.Dock="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" BorderBrush="Black">
<MenuItem Header="_File"></MenuItem>
<!-- Main toolbar -->
<ToolBar DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<!-- Put image here-->
<Button Content="Button2"/>
<!-- StatusBar -->
<StatusBar x:Name="statusBar" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" />
<!-- Inner container is horizontal -->
<Separator Width="2" Foreground="{x:Null}" Background="{x:Null}"/>
<!-- Throw Tree into a dock panel with its label-->
<StackPanel Width="310" DockPanel.Dock="Left" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,0,0,2" Background="#FFE4E4E4">
<Label Content="Object Browser" FontSize="12" Background="LightGray"/>
<TreeView x:Name="ObjectBrowser" BorderThickness="2" Height="620" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<BevelBitmapEffect BevelWidth="5" Relief="0.4" LightAngle="320"/>
<Separator Width="10" Background="{x:Null}" Foreground="{x:Null}" RenderTransformOrigin="-0.45,0.541" />
<!-- Tabs for graphics windows -->
<TabControl x:Name="tabGraphics" BorderThickness="5">
<BevelBitmapEffect BevelWidth="15" Relief="0.4"/>
<!-- 3D Earth Model -->
<TabItem x:Name="graphics3D" Header="3D Graphics">
<DockPanel Background="Black">
<Viewport3D x:Name="mainScene3D">
<PerspectiveCamera x:Name="mainCam" LookDirection="-1,0,0" Position="5,0,0" UpDirection="0,1,0"/>
<!--Earth Model-->
<AmbientLight Color="White"/>
<GeometryModel3D Geometry="{StaticResource SphereGeometry}">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="H:\C#\VenProp\VenProp\Images\Earth.jpg"/>
<TabItem x:Name="graphics2D" Header="2D Graphics">
<DockPanel Background="Gray">
<Image Source="H:\C#\VenProp\VenProp\Images/Earth.jpg"/>
For testing purposes, if you replace the ImageBrush with, say a SolidColorBrush, the same effect will happen.
Does anybody have any idea what is going on? Also, I am new to Stack Overflow, so if there is anything I can do to make my question more clear, please let me know. Thank you for any help in advance!
Always check your Output window for binding errors, like this:
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'TriangleIndicies' property not found on 'object' ''MeshGeometry3D' (HashCode=33785274)'. BindingExpression:Path=Geometry.TriangleIndicies; DataItem='SphereMeshGenerator' (HashCode=18281552); target element is 'MeshGeometry3D' (HashCode=34085817); target property is 'TriangleIndices' (type 'Int32Collection')
After changing from TriangleIndicies to TriangleIndices, it worked just fine: