I have a query in my Rails app that looks like this:
# Returns any records whose period intersect the specified time
# @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/rangetypes.html
# @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-range.html
# @note The '()' means exclude both sides of the range
# @param period_start [DateTime,Time] Start of the range
# @param period_end [DateTime,Time] End of the range
scope :overlapping, ->(period_start, period_end) {
"#{table_name}.period && tsrange(:period_start, :period_end, '()')",
period_start: Time.at(period_start.to_i), # Caps precision to the second
period_end: Time.at(period_end.to_i) # Caps precision to the second
However, the problem here is that any records who have the SAME period as the range created by period_start
and period_end
are not returned. Why is that? I thought overlap checked if there was any intersection at all?
However, the problem here is that any records who have the SAME period as the range created by period_start and period_end are not returned.
That's not true. Not sure what your problem is, but that's not it.
tsrange(x,y) && tsrange(x,y) AS overlaps
('yesterday'::timestamp, 'today'::timestamp)
) AS t(x,y);
tsrange | overlaps
["2017-04-24 00:00:00","2017-04-25 00:00:00") | t
(1 row)