Search code examples

XML - Search for value in XML file

I have a script that uses xmlstarlet to edit a XML file using this:

sudo xmlstarlet ed -L --omit-decl \
-s '//configuration' -t elem -n "property" -v '' \
-s '//configuration/property[last()]' -t elem -n "name" -v "" \
-s '//configuration/property[last()]' -t elem -n "value" -v "value.for.above.node" \
-s '//configuration' -t elem -n "property" -v '' \
-s '//configuration/property[last()]' -t elem -n "name" -v "" \
-s '//configuration/property[last()]' -t elem -n "value" -v "value.for.second" \

Which results in this:


However the problem is that IF the script is run more than once, I get the above block added again. I would like to avoid that but I am not sure how to go about it. I cant find anything on the documentation that supports conditional statements


  • Use count

    if [[ $(xmlstarlet sel -t -v "count(/configuration/property[name=''])" /paht/to/file/xml) -eq 1 ]];then echo "there"; else echo "nope"; fi