I want to write and end to end test that involves 2 systems
The process that im trying to test starts with system 1 and eventually I will be able to see changes in system 2. When I start my tests, I pass the following parameter to geb
I want somehow in the middle of my test to reconfigure the baseUrl so i can navigate to pages in www.sys2.com
Is this possible? if so how?
Tech stuff:
This is possible by using browser.setBaseUrl:
class APage extends Page
static url = "myUrl/"
Geb Config:
baseUrl = "http://www.google.com/"
browser.to(APage) //Goes to http://www.google.com/myUrl/
browser.setBaseUrl("http://www.mynewurl.com/") // sets new baseUrl
browser.to(APage) //Goes to http://www.mynewurl.com/myUrl/