I have created a user form on VBA (word) where the user inputs a body of multi line text into TextBox1. I wish to convert this into a single line string. I have tried the following:
'Replace method
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace what:=vbFl replacement:=""
This results in 'invalid qualifier' with regards to the .Text
'Replace function
TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, vbLf, "")
This produces no error but doesn't carry out the required conversion.
In Word, you have to consider the carriage return as well. There are three ways doing it your way:
'Replace function
TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, vbCr + vbLf, "")
TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, Chr(10) + Chr(13), "")
TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, vbCrLf, "")