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ASP.NET MVC application users linq to join to other tables

I am using default ASP.NET MVC 5 users identity to store and manage users in my database.

I have other database tables that will be referencing the users table.

The problem I am facing is how to extract user details when querying a certain table that has a foreign key (userid).

From what I have seen online, I cannot directly query the users table ("not best practice").

So I must use the ApplicationDbContext to get the list of users:

var userContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
var db_users = userContext.Users.Select(x => new UserSearchResult() 
  ApplicationUserId = x.Id,
  Email = x.Email,
  Username = x.UserName,
  Fullname = x.FullName

Then my linq query would be for example:

var query = (from dep in Dbcontext.Departments
             from usr in db_users.Where(x => x.ApplicationUserId == dep.HodUserId).DefaultIfEmpty()
             join cat in Dbcontext.Categories on dep.CategoryId equals cat.CategoryId
             select new DepartmentSearchResult() 
               DepartmentId = dep.DepartmentId,
               DepartmentName = dep.DepartmentName,
               HodName = usr.Fullname,
               CategoryName = cat.CategoryName

However, the above will not work as SQL does not know about the db_users.

Is there a way to get around this issue?


  • You can add a navigation property of the User in the model you are using UserId as the foreign key. When querying that particular item include the user details.

    say in your Department model

    public class Department
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public ApplicationUser User { get; set; } //Navigation Property
            public string UserId { get; set; }  //Foreign Key

    When you are querying Departments information in any action

    var _context = new ApplicationDbContext();
    var department = _context.Departments.Include(c => c.User).FirstOrDefault();

    Here I used FirstOrDefault() to get a single(first to be exact) item from db. You can use any appropriate method as per your requirement.

    Now in department, you can access User information by simply going through department.User.FullName or whatever property of the user you need