I am trying to save a leaflet image in an R shiny app. And can do so when adding simple markers. However recently I have been trying to generalize this code by adding loops and getting issues and wondering if anyone else can help. See the reproducible example below.
Poly = data.frame(Strat = c("A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B"), long = c(174.5012, 174.5026, 174.5026, 174.5014,174.5012,174.5012 ,174.5020, 174.5020,174.5012,174.5012),lat = c(-35.84014, -35.84018, -35.84137,-35.84138,-35.84014,-35.84014,-35.84014,-35.84197,-35.84197,-35.84014))
Points = data.frame(long = c(174.5014 ,174.5017, 174.5021, 174.5023, 174.5020, 174.5017 ,174.5021 ,174.5017, 174.5021, 174.5019), lat = c(-35.84187, -35.84165, -35.84220 ,-35.84121, -35.84133, -35.84034, -35.84082, -35.84101, -35.84112, -35.84084))
##### My take on Example 2
ui <- fluidPage(
checkboxInput('returnpdf', 'output pdf?', FALSE),
condition = "input.returnpdf == true",
server = function(input, output){
mymap <- reactive({
leaflet() %>% addTiles()%>%
clearShapes() %>%
clearMarkers() %>%
fitBounds(lng1 = 174.5042, lat1= -35.83814,lng2= 174.5001, lat2 = -35.8424)
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
myfun <- function(map) {
print("adding points")
map %>% clearShapes() %>%
clearControls() %>%
clearMarkers() %>%
addCircles(lng = Points$long, lat = Points$lat, color = "blue",fillOpacity = 1,radius = 1)
AddStrataPoly <- function(map) {
print("adding polygons")
for(i in 1:length(unique(Poly$Strat))) {
map %>% addPolygons(lng = Poly[Poly$Strat == unique(Poly$Strat)[i],]$long, lat = Poly[Poly$Strat == unique(Poly$Strat)[i],]$lat, layerId = unique(Poly$Strat)[i], color = 'gray60', options = list(fillOpacity = 0.1))
leafletProxy("map") %>% myfun() %>% AddStrataPoly()
newmap <- reactive({
mymap() %>% myfun() %>% AddStrataPoly()
output$pdflink <- downloadHandler(
filename = 'plot.pdf',
content = function(file) {
owd <- setwd(tempdir())
saveWidget(newmap(), "temp.html", selfcontained = FALSE)
This follows the example outlined here. If you run this code (shinyApp(ui, server);
) and try click the download link you get the following error
ERROR: 'package' must be of length 1
although the online viewer works fine the issue seems to be with the downloadhandler. I have isolated the issue to the loop in the function AddStrataPoly()
. And get the code to work by replacing the AddStrataPoly()
function with
AddStrataPoly <- function(map) {
print("adding polygons")
#for(i in 1:length(unique(Poly$Strat))) {
i = 1
map %>% addPolygons(lng = Poly[Poly$Strat == unique(Poly$Strat)[i],]$long, lat = Poly[Poly$Strat == unique(Poly$Strat)[i],]$lat, layerId = unique(Poly$Strat)[i], color = 'gray60', options = list(fillOpacity = 0.1))
but obviously it plots only one polygon. Can someone please help get this code generalized so I can plot many polygons?
In your AddStrataPoly
function, you need to replace the map you passed by the map with the polygons if you want to add them sequentially:
Try this:
AddStrataPoly <- function(map) {
print("adding polygons")
for(i in 1:length(unique(Poly$Strat))) {
map <- map %>% addPolygons(lng = Poly[Poly$Strat == unique(Poly$Strat)[i],]$long, lat = Poly[Poly$Strat == unique(Poly$Strat)[i],]$lat, layerId = unique(Poly$Strat)[i], color = 'gray60', options = list(fillOpacity = 0.1))
I also modified your downloadHandler
to this to make it work:
output$pdflink <- downloadHandler(
filename = 'temp.html',
content = function(file) {
saveWidget(newmap(), file, selfcontained = TRUE)
The selfcontained=TRUE
is to have all the dependecies in the file so users can open it as is. I also changed the destination file to file
as the function expects the content to be written to there.