I have successfully run the pin with one of its own example tool inscount for ubuntu 12.04. But I face a different situation for ubuntu 17.04 version. Here what it showed:
A: Source/pin/injector_nonmac/auxvector.cpp: CopyAux: 291: unexpected AUX VEC type 26
Detach Service Count: 1
Pin 3.2
Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
@CHARM-VERSION: $Rev: 81201 $
C: Injector exited with signal 6
E: Wait for injector failed: No child processes
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Any guess what could be the reason?
Support for the Linux kernel for this version of Ubuntu probably wasn't added yet. Try to run Pin with the -ifeellucky
command line knob, this may temporarily fix the issue until a new Pin version comes out.