I have a custom implementation of some ODE solvers for a class. I'm having a problem where if I make the time step dt
smaller than .2
, the program will stall. However, if I comment out one of the Runge-Kutta solvers, it will execute very quickly, and I can switch which one is commented out so I can get the solution from both solvers. I'm wondering how to fix this. I've been trying to find some way that one solver might be interfering with the other, but I don't see how this could be happening.
global dt;
dt = .5; % going below ~.25 makes the program take a very long time to exit
g = 1;
c_d = 2;
m = 3;
tf = 15;
dudt = @(t, u) g - (c_d/m) * u.^2
[t_euler, u_euler] = euler(dudt, [0, tf], 0);
[t_rk4, u_rk4] = rk4(dudt, [0, tf], 0); % either of this one or rk2
% can be commented out to make the program
% run quickly, but rk2 and rk4 cannot be
% run at the same time
[t_rk2, u_rk2] = rk2(dudt, [0, tf], 0);
%% rk4.m %%
function [t, u] = rk4(odefun, tspan, u0)
t0 = tspan(1);
t = [ t0 ];
t_new = t0;
global dt;
tf = tspan(2);
u_new = u0;
u = [ u0 ];
while (t_new < tf)
if (t_new + dt > tf)
dt = tf - t_new;
k1 = dt * odefun(t_new, u_new);
k2 = dt * odefun(t_new + dt/2, u_new + k1/2);
k3 = dt * odefun(t_new + dt/2, u_new + k2/2);
k4 = dt * odefun(t_new + dt, u_new + k3);
u_new = u_new + 1/6 * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4);
% rk2.m is the same as rk4.m, except u_new = u_new + k2
% euler.m is also the same, except u_new = u_new + k1
u = [ u, u_new ];
t_new = t_new + dt;
t = [ t, t_new ];
When computing the interval length for the last step to meet tf
exactly, you reduce the global variable dt
, and in the other method the now smaller value of dt
is used. With your data, you might have the new dt
as small as 1e-16
or even 0
You want to treat the global dt
as a constant, perhaps use a local variable h
instead of dt
. Or pass dt
as parameter of the functions.