I'd like to install gcc to Mac OS X Leopard, and compile some software from source using MacPorts. As http://www.macports.org/install.php has suggested, I've registered as an Apple developer. Now I have to download the Xcode developer tools, but it seems to be enormous. Is such a big download (3.5GB or 1GB) really necessary just for gcc and some header files (mostly for console applications)? Is there a smaller download (possibly on some other site) which would work? Did I find the proper download (Xcode Developer Tools), as required by the MacPorts website?
I don't need an IDE, I don't need any iOS-related software, I don't need big SDKs, I don't want to do any GUI programming.
I don't have an install disk.
There was a similar question Is there a way to install gcc in OSX without installing Xcode? . My question is different, because I wouldn't mind downloading and istalling parts of Xcode to get gcc, as long as it's reasonably large, say 300 MB uncompressed. Is that possible?
At http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/mac/index.action I've found the download link http://developer.apple.com/ios/download.action?path=/ios/ios_sdk_4.2__final/xcode_3.2.5_and_ios_sdk_4.2_final.dmg , which is a 3.5GB download. Based on some answers below, I noticed that Xcode 3.2.5 is for Snow Leopard, and I need Xcode 3.1.4 (1GB) for Leopard, which I can get from http://connect.apple.com/ (titled Downloads and ADC Program Assets) after registration and logging in, clicking on the section Downloads / Developer Tools, then finding Xcode 3.1.4 Developer Tools. The download link is http://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MemberSite.woa/wa/download?path=%2FDeveloper_Tools%2Fxcode_3.1.4_developer_tools%2Fxcode314_2809_developerdvd.dmg .
If you don't have Xcode
on a system restore disk, retail copy of OS X, or as an optional installer on your hard drive, you will need to download the appropriate Xcode
package for Leopard. Xcode 3.2.5
is only for Snow Leopard, OS X 10.6. For 10.5, the most recent Xcode
is 3.1.4
(I believe) which is a 993MB download. When logged in, you should find it in your Developer Download and ADC Program Assets
section of the Developer Connection website (you may have to search a bit to find that, though).
Note the Apple-supplied GCC has a number of Apple-developed enhancements, particularly in the area of multi-architecture support, that some open-source projects, in particular, Python, depend on. You may be able to get things to work with a vanilla GCC but is it worth your time and hassle to hack around and test and guess?