So I am trying to build a class that can hold information about atomic elements and then do calculations with them. I am getting an error with my overloaded * friend function that says the variable atom_weight is private within the context of the function, but it's a friend so it shouldn't be
// The chemical class
class Chemical{
Chemical(string chemsym);
Chemical(string chemsym, int number, double weight);
void get_element(string chemsym, ifstream& fin);
void clear();
friend Chemical operator +(Chemical& molecule, Chemical& element);
friend Chemical operator *(const Chemical element, int multiplier);
friend Chemical operator >>(istream& ins, Chemical element);
friend Chemical operator <<(ostream& outs, Chemical element);
string get_sym();
int get_num();
double get_weight();
string chemsym;
int atom_num;
double atom_weight;
And then here is my function definition for my overloaded * operator.
Chemical operator *(const Chemical& element, int multiplier){
Chemical tempele;
string number;
tempele.atom_weight = element.atom_weight * multiplier;
number = itostr(mulitplier);
tempele.chemsym = element.chemsym + number;
return tempele;
Most of my operators are getting similar errors, but my addition one is not even though I can't find any difference. If anyone has any insight on how to solve this problem that would be great.
The function declaration that is at the same time is the function definition does not correspond to the function declaration in the class. Declare the function like
friend Chemical operator *(const Chemical &element, int multiplier);