Search code examples

Stratio Lucene for Cassandra : 'contains' search returns '[['

I am using 'search()' to prepare lucene search criteria. I am using contains as here:

Search searchCondition = search().filter(match("customer_id", customerId))
    .filter(contains("types", getListOfTypes()))

getListOfTypes() returns a List.

But when I search().build() then below is the query that I get:

{"type":"range","field":"some_timestamp","lower":"2017-03-20 03:23:00.0","upper":"2017-03-30 03:23:00.0"},
{"type":"contains","field":"types","values":[["ABC over 90%","PQR","XYZ"]]}

The problem here is '[[' and ']]'. This does not result in any rows been returned. I am for time being replacing these with single square brackets.

But what is solution for this.


  • I solved it by using java8:
