I am building a Facebook bot using api.ai and I have gotten to a point where I need to send responses using Facebook generic template. I fetch the list of items to listed from the database and put them in an array and assign to a variable. My problem is that the data is actually returned as shown by Ngrok but it not shown on Facebook as a generic template. Nothing shows. Here is my code.
while($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
$array[] = array(
"title"=> $result['title'],
"image_url"=> $result['img_url'],
"subtitle"=> "See all our colors",
if ($intentName == "sex"){
$data =json_encode([
'speech' => "Hi ".$firstname,
'displayText' => "test",
'source' => "source",
'data' => ["facebook" => [
//One attachment
//First attachment ends
] ]
echo $data;
I solved it. It should have been:
"elements"=> $array