I'm trying to stop WinDbg from displaying source code at all.
I tried to disable by unchecking the Debug->Source Mode
option but source code still appear as I step through the assembly.
What can I do to completely disable source code debugging?
I tried the following approaches without success:
Debug->Source Mode
option.lines -d
and t
instead of F10 and F11Instead of modifying PDBs or similar, I suggest writing an AutoIt script that closes the source files.
Func CloseWinDbgSource()
WinWait("[CLASS:WinBaseClass]", ".cpp", 10)
WinClose("[CLASS:WinBaseClass]", ".cpp")
Or you can patch the method windbgx86!WinBase::Create()
0:000> .dbgdbg
and then in CDB
0:000> bp windbgx86!WinBase::Create
0:000> g
[Force opening of a window here]
0:000> bc 0
0:000> a eip
0:000> g
The benefit of that approach is that you don't need to bother with any other windows as well, since no windows will be opened any more.