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Python + Q (KDB) - which tools are easy to use and well maintained

From a thread dating a few years back I found some options to integrate python and kdb, namely

  • qpt
  • Dan's tools
  • PyQ
  • qPython

The last two seem to be the only ones actively updated at the moment. My question goes to the folks that actually use any (and ideally tried several) of these tools. From your experience, which of the two latter ones is more suitable for me. Selection criteria would be (in that order)

  • ease of use (I am new to q, ideally I would do more work in python than in q)
  • documentation (seems to be generally not great on anything kdb)
  • python 3.x support
  • speed

If I completely missed a tool that fits my requirements, please let me know. I am aware of threads that raise similar questions, but I am looking for a 2017 answer, not 2015.


  • This kdb/python guide was updated 2017:

    For anyone else who needs a Python library, I am highly recommending the exxeleron qpython library (though it does require numpy, which requires 2.6 As a minimum, I believe, which can be a limitation)