Is there a way or query by which I can find the version number of SSIS packages (*.dtsx files)?
I have the *.dtsx
files in my Team Foundation Server for which I wanted to know.
The manual way is to do a mouse right-click on the package and click Compare
to see the VersionBuild
but there are like thousands of packages so doing it manually is really not possible
Note: The process should be automated, not manual
If you are trying to read a package version within this package you can access to one of the SSIS system variables
Variable Type Description
VersionBuild Int32 The package version.
VersionComment String Comments about the package version.
VersionGUID String The unique identifier of the version.
VersionMajor Int32 The major version of the package.
VersionMinor Int32 The minor version of the package.
If you are looking for Package SQL Server Version, you can find it inside the dtsx
file if you open it as text (or xml) And search for PackageFormatVersion
property, detailed informations are provided in the following links:
You can follow these links:
it contains queries that achieve this issue
To automate reading PackageFormatVersion
you can use read it programmatically using an XMLParser
or Regex
. I wrote a code in that use Regex
and loop over .dtsx
files inside a directory and get the PackageFormatVersion
property and other properties found in dtsx file header:
First i created a Class named PackageInfo
that contains properties listed above
Public Class PackageInfo
Public Property PackageFileName As String
Public Property PackageFormatVersion As String
Public Property CreationDate As String
Public Property CreationName As String
Public Property CreatorComputerName As String
Public Property CreatorName As String
Public Property DTSID As String
Public Property ExecutableType As String
Public Property LastModifiedProductVersion As String
Public Property LocaleID As String
Public Property ObjectName As String
Public Property PackageType As String
Public Property VersionBuild As String
Public Property VersionGUID As String
End Class
Using RegEx
Private Sub ReadPackagesInfo(ByVal strDirectory As String)
For Each strFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(strDirectory, "*.dtsx", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim strContent As String = ""
Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(strFile)
strContent = sr.ReadToEnd
End Using
Dim strPackageFormatVersion As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=""PackageFormatVersion"">)(.*)(?=</DTS:Property>)", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strCreationDate As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreationDate="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strCreationName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreationName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strCreatorComputerName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreatorComputerName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strCreatorName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:CreatorName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strDTSID As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:DTSID="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strExecutableType As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:ExecutableType="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strLastModifiedProductVersion As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:LastModifiedProductVersion="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strLocaleID As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:LocaleID="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strObjectName As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:ObjectName="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strPackageType As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:PackageType="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strVersionBuild As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:VersionBuild="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Dim strVersionGUID As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=DTS:VersionGUID="")(.*?)(?="")", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
m_lst.Add(New PackageInfo With {.PackageFileName = strFile,
.PackageFormatVersion = strPackageFormatVersion,
.CreationDate = strCreationDate,
.CreationName = strCreationName,
.CreatorComputerName = strCreatorComputerName,
.CreatorName = strCreatorName,
.ExecutableType = strExecutableType,
.LastModifiedProductVersion = strLastModifiedProductVersion,
.LocaleID = strLocaleID,
.ObjectName = strObjectName,
.PackageType = strPackageType,
.VersionBuild = strVersionBuild,
.VersionGUID = strVersionGUID})
End Sub
The following line of code is the one that read the PackageFormatVersion
property from the file
Dim strA As String = Regex.Match(strContent, "(?<=""PackageFormatVersion"">)(.*)(?=</DTS:Property>)", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Using Xml Parser
Private Sub ReadPackagesInfoUsingXmlParser(ByVal strDirectory As String)
For Each strFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(strDirectory, "*.dtsx", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim strPackageFormatVersion As String = ""
Dim strCreationDate As String = ""
Dim strCreationName As String = ""
Dim strCreatorComputerName As String = ""
Dim strCreatorName As String = ""
Dim strDTSID As String = ""
Dim strExecutableType As String = ""
Dim strLastModifiedProductVersion As String = ""
Dim strLocaleID As String = ""
Dim strObjectName As String = ""
Dim strPackageType As String = ""
Dim strVersionBuild As String = ""
Dim strVersionGUID As String = ""
Dim xml = XDocument.Load(strFile)
Dim ns As XNamespace = ""
Dim man As XmlNamespaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(New NameTable())
man.AddNamespace("DTS", "")
If Not xml.Root Is Nothing AndAlso
Not xml.Root.Descendants(ns + "Property").Attributes(ns + "Name") Is Nothing AndAlso
xml.Root.Descendants(ns + "Property").Attributes(ns + "Name").Where(Function(x) x.Value = "PackageFormatVersion").Count > 0 Then
strPackageFormatVersion = xml.Root.Descendants(ns + "Property").Attributes(ns + "Name").Where(Function(x) x.Value = "PackageFormatVersion").FirstOrDefault.Parent.Value
strCreationDate = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationDate").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationDate").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strCreationName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreationName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strCreatorComputerName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorComputerName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorComputerName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strCreatorName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "CreatorName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strDTSID = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "DTSID").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "DTSID").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strExecutableType = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ExecutableType").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ExecutableType").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strLastModifiedProductVersion = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LastModifiedProductVersion").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LastModifiedProductVersion").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strLocaleID = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LocaleID").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "LocaleID").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strObjectName = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ObjectName").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "ObjectName").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strPackageType = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "PackageType").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "PackageType").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strVersionBuild = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionBuild").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionBuild").FirstOrDefault.Value)
strVersionGUID = If(xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionGUID").FirstOrDefault Is Nothing, "", xml.Root.Attributes(ns + "VersionGUID").FirstOrDefault.Value)
End If
m_lst.Add(New PackageInfo With {.PackageFileName = strFile,
.PackageFormatVersion = strPackageFormatVersion,
.CreationDate = strCreationDate,
.CreationName = strCreationName,
.CreatorComputerName = strCreatorComputerName,
.CreatorName = strCreatorName,
.ExecutableType = strExecutableType,
.LastModifiedProductVersion = strLastModifiedProductVersion,
.LocaleID = strLocaleID,
.ObjectName = strObjectName,
.PackageType = strPackageType,
.VersionBuild = strVersionBuild,
.VersionGUID = strVersionGUID})
End Sub
Demo App
I Created A Demo Application to achieve this procedure you can download it from the following link:
Also i created a new Git-repository for this demo app
App screenshot
You can Read my answer at DBA.StackExchange :
And Here is the PackageFormatVersion
table values
SQL Version Build # PackageFormatVersion Visual Studio Version
2005 9 2 2005
2008 10 3 2008
2008 R2 10.5 3 2008
2012 11 6 2010 or BI 2012
2014 12 8 2012 CTP2 or 2013
2016 13 8 2015