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c# generics covariance and contravariance conflict

I have the following code written in c# using interfaces, inheritance and generics:

public interface IBasic


public class Basic : IBasic


public class AnotherBasic : Basic


public interface IWorker<in TBasic>
    void Run(TBasic basic);

public class Worker : IWorker<Basic>
    public void Run(Basic basic)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

public class AnotherWorker : IWorker<AnotherBasic>
    public void Run(AnotherBasic basic)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

public void Test()
    List<IWorker<IBasic>> workers = new List<IWorker<IBasic>>
        new Worker(),
        new AnotherWorker()

The problem of this code is that the worker and anotherworker classes do not fit in to the generics list of IWorker<IBasic> who are the parents of workers for both the worker and the basic class. The thing is that IWorker<in TBasic> is contravariant because of run method signature, however I need it covariant, in order to fill in the List<IWorker<IBasic>>. The run method has to have the TBasic parameter, and I need this list of workers on purpose of chain of responsibility design pattern. Do I miss something or did I find a reason to make covariance and contravariance not mutually exclusive ?


  • So after 2 days of learning and investigation I answered my own question. Here is the code:

    public interface IBasic {

    public class Basic : IBasic
    public class AnotherBasic : Basic
    public interface IWorker<in TBasic>
        void Run(TBasic basic);
    public class SimpleWorker : IWorker<IBasic>
        public void Run(IBasic basic)
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
    public class Worker : IWorker<Basic>
        public void Run(Basic basic)
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
    public class AnotherWorker : IWorker<AnotherBasic>
        public void Run(AnotherBasic basic)
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
    public class Final
        public void Test()
            List<IWorker<AnotherBasic>> workers = new List<IWorker<AnotherBasic>>
                new SimpleWorker(),
                new Worker(),
                new AnotherWorker()

    TBasic in CONTRAVARIANT, which means the declaration should be the most specific as possible, as shown in the code: AnotherBasic Then the types that are less derived, are the parents, are accepted, and the code compiles.