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Normalization in R 0 to 5

I have a dataframe as follows:

  A       B         C
 ab      gb      0.03
 fn      mn      0.12
 po      er      0.43
 oo      et      0.22
 iu      ew      0.77
 ii      mn      0.14
 dd      wr      0.99
 qw      ty      0.45

How do I normalize column C to be from the range of 0-5. I know you can do it like this with dplyr but it doesn't convert it to 0-5.

normalize <- function(x){
  return((x-min(x)) / (max(x)-min(x)))

scaled_data <- 
  df %>%
  group_by(A, B) %>%
  mutate(NORMALIZED = normalize(C))


  • Here's how to do it with dplyr using scales::rescale. I'll leave it to you to add group_by.

    df <-read.table(text="  A       B         C
     ab      gb      0.03
     fn      mn      0.12
     po      er      0.43
     oo      et      0.22
     iu      ew      0.77
     ii      mn      0.14
     dd      wr      0.99
     qw      ty      0.45",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    mutate(C=scales::rescale(C,to=c(0, 5)))
       A  B        C
    1 ab gb 0.000000
    2 fn mn 0.468750
    3 po er 2.083333
    4 oo et 0.989583
    5 iu ew 3.854167
    6 ii mn 0.572917
    7 dd wr 5.000000
    8 qw ty 2.187500