I want the user to stay in a while loop by entering an ip address to be looked up, they can stay looking up the ip when prompted if they want to proceed by typing y or n, upon the exception which occurs often because not all IP addresses are found I was getting an infinite loop so I just had it break out of the loop for now. How can I continue after the exception to ask the user if they would like to look up another IP rather than breaking out of the loop? Thanks.
import socket
print("\n----------Look up Domain by IP Address----------\n")
response3 = input("Enter an IP Address: ")
while True:
domain = socket.gethostbyaddr(response3)[0]#.split(".")[1]
print("\nDomain Name is", domain)
print("\nA domain name could not be found.")
response4 = input("Would you like to look up another IP adress? type y for [yes] or n for [no]: ")
if response4 == "y":
response3 = input("Enter an IP Address: ")
elif response4 == "n":
Don't use [break], [break] means jumping out the loop. Use [continue] to start the next step of the loop.
If you want to continue to the second [try] in the first [try], the [break] in the first [try] could be changed to [pass], which means Do nothing.