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Solving for x and y in qcauchy() given its quantiles in R


qcauchy(p, location, scale) is an built-in base R function. In this function, "location" indicates the center and "scale" indicates the speadoutness of a symmetric bell-like curve (just like a normal distribution). "location" can be any number (negative, positive, non-integer etc.). And "scale" can be any number larger than "0". Also, "p" is probability thus 0 <= p <= 1.

Coding Question:

Only as 1 example, suppose I know qcauchy(p = c(.025, .975), location = x, scale = y ) = c(-12.7062, 12.7062 ), THEN, is there a way I can find out what x and y could reasonably be (i.e., within some margin of error)?

P.S.: As a small possible start, can nlm() (i.e., non-linear minimazation) help here? Or the fact the most right-hand side [i.e., c(-12.7062, 12.7062 ) ], are the same number with opposite signs.


  • I used a package for solving a system of nonlinear equations nleqslv. I tried the following

    f <- function(x) {
        y <- c(-12.7062, 12.7062) - qcauchy(c(.025,.975), location=x[1],  scale=x[2]) 
    nleqslv(c(1,1), f)

    and got this answer

    [1] 5.773160e-15 9.999996e-01
    [1]  1.421085e-14 -1.421085e-14
    [1] 1
    [1] "Function criterion near zero"
    [1] 1 1
    [1] 1
    [1] 1
    [1] 1