I am trying to merge multiple csv files into a single dataframe and trying to manipulate the resultant dataframe using a for loop. The resultant dataframe may have anywhere between 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 rows.
I am using the below code for the same.
merge_data = function(path)
files = dir(path, pattern = '\\.csv', full.names = TRUE)
tables = lapply(files, read_csv)
do.call(rbind, tables)
Data = merge_data("D:/Projects")
Data1 = cbind(Data[,c(8,9,17)],Category = "",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for (i in 1:nrow(Data1))
Data1$Category[i] = ""
Data1$Category[i] = ifelse(Data1$Days[i] <= 30, "<30",
ifelse(Data1$Days[i] <= 60, "31-60",
ifelse(Data1$Days[i] <= 90, "61-90",">90")))
However the code is running for very long. Is there a better and faster way of doing the same operation?
We can make this more optimized by reading with fread
from data.table
and then using cut/findInterval
. This will become more pronounced when it is run in multiple cores, nodes on a server where fread
utilize all the nodes and execute parallelly
merge_data <- function(path) {
files = dir(path, pattern = '\\.csv', full.names = TRUE)
rbindlist(lapply(files, fread, select = c(8, 9, 17)))
Data <- merge_data("D:/Projects")
Data[, Category := cut(Data1, breaks = c(-Inf, 30, 60, 90, Inf),
labels = c("<=30", "31-60", "61-90", ">90"))]