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jsonclojure application of predicate to determine value quoting

Suppose I have a simple map, example-map:

(def example-map {"a" "b" "c" "d"}) 

I can use to JSON-ify this map as such:

( example-map) =>

I would like to apply a predicate to all keys to determine if that key is quoted, even if the output is invalid JSON.

The desired function would work as follows:

(defn to-quote? [v] (= v "d"))

(fictional-write-str example-map :quote-rule to-quote?) =>

Might the optional :value-fn parameter to offer what I'm describing?


  • write-str works via protocol JSONWriter, which you can extend with, say, clojure.lang.Symbol and have you own way.

    (ns reagenttest.main
        (:refer-clojure :exclude (read))
        (:require [ :as json]))
    (defn- write-named [x out]
        (.print out (name x)))
    (extend clojure.lang.Symbol json/JSONWriter {:-write write-named})
    (prn (json/write-str {"a" 'd "b" "c" "e" :key}))

