I've been working on a Lua fslex lexer in my spare time, using the ocamllex manual as a reference.
I hit a few snags while trying to tokenize long strings correctly. "Long strings" are delimited by '[' ('=')* '['
and ']' ('=')* ']'
tokens; the number of =
signs must be the same.
In the first implementation, the lexer seemed to not recognize [[
patterns, producing two LBRACKET
tokens despite the longest match rule, whereas [=[
and variations where recognized correctly. In addition, the regular expression failed to ensure that the correct closing token is used, stopping at the first ']' ('=')* ']'
capture, no matter the actual long string "level". Also, fslex does not seem to support "as" constructs in regular expressions.
let lualongstring = '[' ('=')* '[' ( escapeseq | [^ '\\' '[' ] )* ']' ('=')* ']'
(* ... *)
| lualongstring { (* ... *) }
| '[' { LBRACKET }
| ']' { RBRACKET }
(* ... *)
I've been trying to solve the issue with another rule in the lexer:
rule tokenize = parse
(* ... *)
| '[' ('=')* '[' { longstring (getLongStringLevel(lexeme lexbuf)) lexbuf }
(* ... *)
and longstring level = parse
| ']' ('=')* ']' { (* check level, do something *) }
| _ { (* aggregate other chars *) }
(* or *)
| _ {
let c = lexbuf.LexerChar(0);
(* ... *)
But I'm stuck, for two reasons: first, I don't think I can "push", so to speak, a token to the next rule once I'm done reading the long string; second, I don't like the idea of reading char by char until the right closing token is found, making the current design useless.
How can I tokenize Lua long strings in fslex? Thanks for reading.
Apologies if I answer my own question, but I'd like to contribute with my own solution to the problem for future reference.
I am keeping state across lexer function calls with the LexBuffer<_>.BufferLocalStore property, which is simply a writeable IDictionary instance.
Note: long brackets are used both by long string and multiline comments. This is often an overlooked part of the Lua grammar.
let beginlongbracket = '[' ('=')* '['
let endlongbracket = ']' ('=')* ']'
rule tokenize = parse
| beginlongbracket
{ longstring (longBracketLevel(lexeme lexbuf)) lexbuf }
(* ... *)
and longstring level = parse
| endlongbracket
{ if longBracketLevel(lexeme lexbuf) = level then
longstring level lexbuf
| _
{ toLongString lexbuf (lexeme lexbuf); longstring level lexbuf }
| eof
{ failwith "Unexpected end of file in string." }
Here are the functions I use to simplify storing data into the BufferLocalStore:
let longBracketLevel (str : string) =
str.Count(fun c -> c = '=')
let createLongStringStorage (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) =
let sb = new StringBuilder(1000)
lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.["longstring"] <- box sb
let toLongString (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) (c : string) =
let hasString, sb = lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.TryGetValue("longstring")
let storage = if hasString then (sb :?> StringBuilder) else (createLongStringStorage lexbuf)
storage.Append(c.[0]) |> ignore
let endLongString (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) : string =
let hasString, sb = lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.TryGetValue("longstring")
let ret = if not hasString then "" else (sb :?> StringBuilder).ToString()
lexbuf.BufferLocalStore.Remove("longstring") |> ignore
Perhaps it's not very functional, but it seems to be getting the job done.
Edit: You can find the project at http://ironlua.codeplex.com. Lexing and parsing should be okay. I am planning on using the DLR. Comments and constructive criticism welcome.