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r: barplot - legends issue

Product Sales per month**strong text**

How can I get rid of the boxes in legends and get colored lines instead? Also, how do I place them at a corner? This is the command I am using:

barplot(as.matrix(month_wise_data), main="Product sold per month",
    xlab="Products", col=brewer.pal(nrow(month_wise_data), "Paired"),legend = as.character(month_wise_data[,"MONTH"]), beside=TRUE,
    args.legend=list(x=100,y=10,bty = "n",pt.lwd=0.1, ncol = 3, cex=0.5,pch=1))


  • You have to add a separate legend call like so:

    barplot(VADeaths,beside =TRUE,col=1:5,ylim=c(0,100))

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