i have a .xlsx file which has 3 columns.
id name age
1 jon 10 #jon cell is red
2 bob 54 #bob cell is red
3 rob 77
4 sal 22 #sal cell is red
5 wil 47
6 nia 32
in my column 'name' jon ,bob, sal cell are red colored
, rest cells of column 'name' are green colored.
i want to find the count of red colored cells
i.e in this case 3
this is just an example, i have .xlsx files which have more than 1000 rows and it would be very difficult to manually count red color cells.
I tried it using openpyxl and xlrd but could'nt find much
any leads would be appreciated, thanks in advance
I had a look Here
First we need to load the workbook and then work with a selected sheet from that workbook, for that we do the following:
import openpyxl as px
#Loading the workbook into python
wb = px.load_workbook('FileName.xlsx')
#Selecting Active Sheet
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
The second answer (in the link) was quite helpful - one can grab the HEX code of the cell colour by referring to the colour index doing the following:
i = sheet['A1'].fill.start_color.index #Grabbing colour at [A1]
index_colours = px.styles.colors.COLOR_INDEX
result = str(index_colours [i])
result= "#"+result[2:]
print result
you can use this and add all the codes to a list after reading the excel file, eg:
colour_list = []
index_colours = px.styles.colors.COLOR_INDEX
for row in range(1,all_rows):
i = sheet['B' + str(row)].fill.start_color.index
result = str(index_colours [i])
result= "#"+result[2:]
and count HEX codes referring to Red
red = '#FF0000'
print colour_list.count(red)
#>>> 3