Search code examples

ActionPickerView get result

I have a pickerView linked with a button when you click to the Button it will appears ..

my problem is : I don't know how to get the result and print it to the textFiled I created..

if I can make the result in the button name without needed to the text filed will be great !!

thats what I did so far :

import UIKit
import ActionSheetPicker_3_0

class ViewController2: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var text1: UITextField!
@IBAction func ssss(_ sender: Any) { "Multiple String Picker", rows: [
        ["One", "Two", "A lot"],
        ], initialSelection: [1],

           doneBlock: {

            picker, indexes, values in

            self.text1.text = ("\(values)")

            print("values = \(values)")
            print("indexes = \(indexes)")
            print("picker = \(picker)")


           cancel: { ActionMultipleStringCancelBlock in return }, origin: sender)



  • I think you made a mistake with the variable name in the doneBlock while you are assigning the value to the text field. Also, check out the initialSelection parameter. You have provided [1] which will select the whole Array.
          withTitle: "Multiple String Picker", 
          rows: [["One", "Two", "A lot"]], 
          initialSelection: [1, 1],
          doneBlock: { picker, indexes, values in
            // self.text1.text = ("\(vslues)")
            // should be
            self.text1.text = ("\(values)")
          cancel: { ActionMultipleStringCancelBlock in return }, 
          origin: sender)