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Pentaho CDE Dashboard BI (Auto refresh + Onclick refresh Functionality ) Creates Error in console

I Created Dashboard with 4 tabs and multiple components(Bar graphs, Pie charts. Tables) on Each Tabs

I am trying to show Live Data on On it from MySQL Database ..

Auto refresh : - So i keep rendering all components of Selected tab for 60 secs using


Onclick refresh :- also i have same render call in Layout panel with java Script for Tab onclick render for respective Components

I used this Function for resizing component in Pre Execution

var myself = this;
myself.chartDefinition.width = myself.placeholder().width();

if (!this.resizeHandlerAttached){

var debouncedResize = _.debounce(function(){
  myself.chartDefinition.width = myself.placeholder().width();
  myself.render( myself.query.lastResults() );
}, 200);  


  if ( myself.chartDefinition.width != myself.placeholder().width()){


this.resizeHandlerAttached = true;  

So while Navigating through Tabs I am getting following error (For Each component which includes above function)

Error :- "Uncaught NoCachedResults "  

i doubt (as it render again with Onclick Javascript in Layout panel) may be it is conflicting ..

I am getting Error in console for this line of Code

code :- myself.render( myself.query.lastResults() );  

I checked cdf-bootstrap-script-includes.js from this error is coming

Any Example for Same which includes Auto refresh + Onclick tabs refresh

Please help me with this

Thanks in Advance ...


  • Solved Finally..!!

    Issue was with calling Same function for my htmlobject which is of no use ,component was rendering anyways , so removed .

    Updated function

    var myself = this;
    myself.chartDefinition.width = myself.placeholder().width();
     if (!this.resizeHandlerAttached){
       var debouncedResize = _.debounce(function(){
         myself.chartDefinition.width = myself.placeholder().width();
         myself.render( myself.query.lastResults() );
       }, 200);
         if ( myself.chartDefinition.width != myself.placeholder().width()){
      this.resizeHandlerAttached = true;