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How to check total disk usage in VMware ESXi through powershell?

I want to calculate the total disk capacity of an ESXi host (not the VMs). I want to check the total disk capacity, free and used space of ESXi host via PowerShell.

I am calculating CPU and RAM usage by using the below command:

(Get-VMHost $server | Get-Stat -Stat "mem.usage.average" -IntervalMins 10 | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average

Please suggest a way to calculate disk usage. I know about disk.usage.average parameter but I don't want this, I want space calculation in GB/MB.


  • Use the Get-Datastore cmdlet.

    PS /Users/philip> Get-Datastore
    Name                               FreeSpaceGB      CapacityGB
    ----                               -----------      ----------
    Synology                               632.840       7,317.147
    SSD01                                  111.347         476.750
    PS /Users/philip> Get-Datastore -Name synology
    Name                               FreeSpaceGB      CapacityGB
    ----                               -----------      ----------
    Synology                               632.840       7,317.147

    This is only for getting information about the datastores on which VM's are located, not the actual installation of esxi itself.