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Visual basic ComboBox.SelectedIndex

I develop a application, and I'm having troubles with comboboxes.

I have this to know when the selected item on my combobox is changed :

Private Sub ComboBoxSite_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBoxSite.SelectedIndexChanged
    If (ComboBoxSite.SelectedIndex <> 0) Then 'If it is not the default value
        Console.WriteLine("ActionListenerIndex = {0}", ComboBoxSite.SelectedIndex) 'To debug
    End If
End Sub

And the RequestAccessv2() function

Private Sub RequestAccesv2(taille As Integer)
    initBoxesLocation() 'A function that clear/refill 4 comboBoxes
    Console.WriteLine("SELECTED INDEX SITE : {0}", ComboBoxSite.SelectedIndex)
        Select Case taille
            Case 0 ..... 'Some database treatment

End Sub

And there is the result on the output, when the second function is called, I don't have the same selectedIndex :

ActionListenerIndex = 2
SELECTED INDEX SITE : -1 'Does it means thas nothing is selected ?

Have you already had/solved this problem ?

Regards, Fabien


  • Thanks for your answers !

    Indeed Steve and A Friend the problem was coming from the function initBoxesLocation. In this fuction I was clearing 4 comboboxes, then I added 1 item on each.

    I didn't realy understand where does the problem comes.

    edit : Yes of course, once my comboboxes refiled I didn't selected an item again so there is the problem.

    Private Sub initBoxesLocation()
        Console.WriteLine("initialisation entete")
    End Sub

    I split the initBoxesLocation() function, by calling one or an other reset function depending on the combobox changed, I needed actually not to call them all.

    Now it works !

    Regards Fabien