I am new to C# winform. As title, my problem is how to make the points more compact in fastpoint chart. To make it clear, how to proportionally reduce the distance of the blue points like the red line segments shown in the image; that is, make the X axis more compact:
I have searched and found a lot of information about control the interval of X or Y axis labels but which is not the situation here.
You can control the range of data values for each Axis
by setting their Minimum
and Maximum
The syntax is:
someChart.ChartAreas[CAIndexOrName].AxisX.Minimum = someDoubleValue;
Let's prepare a chart to show one day:
Axis ax = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX; // a short reference
ax.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
ax.Interval = 1;
To set the properties to some DateTime
values you need to convert them to doubles; for this conversion there are two built-in functions: DateTime.ToOADate
and, to reverse DateTime.FromOADate
This makes the x-axis display 24 hours:
DateTime dt = DateTime.Today;
ax.Minimum = dt.ToOADate();
ax.Maximum = (dt.AddHours(24)).ToOADate();
ax.LabelStyle.Format = "H:mm"; // optional
You also may want to control the data type of the series values:
Series s = chart.Series[0];
s.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime; // or some other type, maybe Time
Note you you can also control both the Interval
of the Labels
and TickMarks
and Gridlines
on each axis but also set an Offset
to start them a little earlier or later..