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Convert LocalDate ObservableList to String Arraylist in Java

I want to transfer some dates as strings from an ObservableList to an ArrayList in java (JavaFX).

I have tried to use a for loop to add the data but it didn't work. Can you please help me with that. Thanks

This is my ObservableList

ObservableList<LocalDate> selectedDates = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); 

This is my ArrayList

static ArrayList<String> FinalDateArrayList;

I am filling the selectedDates ObservableList from the DatePicker so it works fine

 startDatePicker.setOnAction(event -> selectedDates.add(startDatePicker.getValue()));

This is the for loop of transferring dates as string to my ArrayList

 for(int i =0 ; i < selectedDates.size(); i++)

It didnt show me the error.


  • Initialize your FinalDateArrayList with a non-null value

    ArrayList<String> FinalDateArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();

    Also, though not related to the question, use static only if its really necessary.