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One link opens two Iframe targets on same page

I currently have a working webpage that has a list of links that open in a targeted iFrame. I would like to add a subsequent iFrame target and be able to open supplementary pages in that iFrame as well as the original iFrame with the same link.

From my research, it seems this should be possible with some JS but I'm struggling to figure it out.

So basically, how could I click on "Lot 1" and open up a Youtube in the "gallery" iFrame and, say, in the "info" iFrame simultaneously?

  <iframe src="" name="gallery"</iframe>
  <iframe src="" name="info"</iframe>

  <a href="" target="gallery">Lot 1</a>
  <a href="" target="gallery">Lot 2</a>


  • You can have an array/object storing the links, and then run an onclick event that will change the corresponding iframe sources to the values from said array (iframes have a src attribute which you can change through JS).

    For example:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var frm = ['gallery', 'info'];
            var hrf = ['', ''];
            function setSource() {
                for(i=0, l=frm.length; i<l; i++) {
                    document.querySelector('iframe[name="'+frm[i]+'"]').src = hrf[i];
        <iframe src="" name="gallery"></iframe>
        <iframe src="" name="info"></iframe>
        <span onclick="javascript: setSource();">Click me</span>

    If you'd like to have multiple span elements, each changing the iframes' sources to a different set of links, you can always use a multidimensional array (an array of arrays) for src and add a parameter to the function:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var frm = ['gallery', 'info'];
            var hrf = [['', ''], ['', '']];
            function setSource(num) {
                for(i=0, l=frm.length; i<l; i++) {
                    document.querySelector('iframe[name="'+frm[i]+'"]').src = hrf[num][i];
        <iframe src="" name="gallery"></iframe>
        <iframe src="" name="info"></iframe>
        <span onclick="javascript: setSource(0);">Click me #0</span>
        <span onclick="javascript: setSource(1);">Click me #1</span>

    Here hrf is an array that contains another array (['', '']) at index 0 and yet another one (['', '']) - at index 1. By passing a parameter to setSource we can choose what subarray we want to pick to get the sources from.

    Please don't forget to close your tags.

    Using the a tag for your purpose is not a good idea, I recommend using a span. The a tag's purpose is to link the user to another document, not run javascript code (not using a also means you don't have to use preventDefault).

    The javascript: prefix is used for the onclick attribute to provide backwards compatibility for some older mobile browsers.