I have a custom user registration field call country, outlet, company (They're all taxonomy).
Eg. taxonomy=country&tag_ID=36&post_type=company
$country_tagid = the_field('country', 'user_'.$user_id->ID); //This output 36
$countrydata = get_terms('country',array('id'=>$country_tagid)); //
echo $countrydata->name; //return nothing
$getcountrydata = get_term( $country_tagid );
print ($getcountrydata->name); //return nothing
All of them did not return the name. I expect it to return 'Thailand'. What is wrong?
EDIT: Strange, i manually entered outside the loop of my users.
$catinfo = get_term_by( 'id', 36, 'country' );
print $catinfo->slug; //thailand
This works. I suspect something is wrong here
$country_tagid = the_field('country', 'user_'.$user_id->ID); //This output 36
This line prints 36. Now I'm trying to get_field. but it return me arr
I found out that this line is wrong. It did not store the value 36 in the variable. Instead it display it.
$country_tagid = the_field('country', 'user_'.$user_id->ID); //This output 36
I changed to get_field instead.
$country_tagid = get_field('country', 'user_'.$user_id->ID); //This output 36
I retrieve the id by
$countryid= $country_tagid[0];
Then retrieve the country name by:
$catinfo = get_term_by( 'id', $countryid, 'country' );
$countryname= $catinfo->name;
So the full code:
$country_tagid = get_field('country', 'user_'.$user_id->ID);
$countryid= $country_tagid[0];
$catinfo = get_term_by( 'id', $countryid, 'country' );
$countryname= $catinfo->name;