I wrote this tic tac toe game against AI (I am improving the AI right now):
Matrix = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
Matrix_2 = [[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "],
[" ", " ", " "]]
def turnX():
Player1_row = int(raw_input("P1 What row do you want?"))
Player1_row = Player1_row - 1
Player1_column = int(raw_input("P1 What column do you want?"))
Player1_column = Player1_column - 1
if Player1_row > Matrix:
if Player1_column > Matrix:
if (1 == Matrix[Player1_column][Player1_row] or 500 == Matrix[Player1_column][Player1_row]):
print "This is an invaild move!"
Matrix[Player1_column][Player1_row] = 1
Matrix_2[Player1_column][Player1_row] = "X"
def turnY():
global Player1_row
Player2_row = int(random.randint(1, boardX))
Player2_row = Player2_row - 1
Player2_column = int(random.randint(Player1_row, boardY))
Player2_column = Player2_column - 1
if (1 == Matrix[Player2_column][Player2_row] or 500 == Matrix[Player2_column][Player2_row]):
print "AI Turn:"
Matrix[Player2_column][Player2_row] = 500
Matrix_2[Player2_column][Player2_row] = "O"
But I am getting this error:
NameError: global name 'Player1_row' is not defined`.
I am trying to make the AI block the player's last move.
Player1_row is not a global variable, but a local variable for the function turn_X.
To solve this, try setting Player1_row to a global variable in turn_X.