Search code examples

Icon Image Keeps Repeating in Background


This icon image in on my recently installed forums style keeps repeating, creating an obnoxious background that is too noisy and distracts from the actual words.

Here is a copy of that particular element's CSS:

element {
ul.topiclist li.row dl {
    padding: 2px 0;
ul.topiclist dl {
    font-size: 10px;
ul.topiclist dl {
    position: relative;
.clearfix, fieldset dl, ul.topiclist dl, dl.polls {
    overflow: hidden;
dl.icon {
    background-position: 95% 15%;
    position: relative;
.topic_read_mine {
    background-image: url("./images/icons/topic_read_mine.png");

I was able to retrieve this from the browser inspection tool @

I would like for the icon to display only once. It is meant to be an indicator if the forum was read/unread.

Answered Below

added 'background-repeat: no-repeat' to the ul.topiclist dl Also found 'dl.icon' and adjusted the background-position to display on the right.

Thank you.


  • Css Code to fix that.

    ul.topiclist dl {
        background-repeat: no-repeat;