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JDBCRealm FORM based authentication not redirecting to login page

I am trying to apply authentication in index.jsp page but when I try to load thispage, instead of getting redirected to login2.xhtml page. I get this on chrome window.

this is realm tag from servlet.xml

This is realm tag added in server.xml

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"


       userTable="HR.users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
   userRoleTable="HR.user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name"/>

I have added user in tomcat-users.xml

 <role rolename="tomcat"/> 
  <role rolename="HRPersonnel"/>

  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="[email protected]" password="111111" roles="HRPersonnel"/>

and web.xml is:



            <web-resource-name>foo bar</web-resource-name>
            <http-method>DELETE</http-method> -->





        <auth-method> FORM</auth-method>

These are tables in database

create table HR.users(
name varchar(50),
user_name varchar(50) primary key,
user_pass varchar(50) not null,
phone varchar (14),
address varchar(100),

create table HR.user_roles (
  user_name         varchar(50) not null foreign key references HR.users(user_name),
  role_name varchar(50) not null CHECK (role_name = 'Applicant' OR role_name = 'Manager' OR role_name = 'SME' or role_name = 'HRPersonnel')

  primary key (user_name, role_name)

Catalina.log has 1 warning but no error.

22-Apr-2017 19:00:21.929 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory.validateFile Problem with directory [C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M13\bin\], exists: [false], isDirectory: [false], canRead: [false]


  • I don't know why but


    was not working, I changed CONFIDENTIAL to NONE and it started to work.