SQL Question. I currently have two SQL tables One table called Waitlist and one Called Booking. They are not identical (waitlist contains more information than booking). They appear like so:
# Customer Day Timestamp Flight
1 Joseph 2017-04-22 2017-04-22 16:20:33.178 F101
# Customer Flight Day
1 Timmy F101 2017-04-22
2 Joseph F101 2017-04-22
I would like to delete the duplicate data from waitlist (in this case the joseph entry).... I have tried the following: DELETE FROM Waitlist WHERE Customer = booking.customer and day = booking.day and flight = booking.flight I have also tried an INNER JOIN with no luck. Please Help!!
There are multiple ways to achieve your goal but the most appropriate answer to your question would be database vendor specific.
I.e. in both MySQL and SQL Server you can use JOIN
directly in DELETE
FROM waitlist w JOIN booking b
ON w.customer = b.customer
AND w.day = b.day
AND w.flight = b.flight;
Sqlfiddle for MySql, Sqlfiddle for SQL Server
In PostgreSQL you can leverage EXISTS
DELETE FROM waitlist w
FROM booking
WHERE customer = w.customer
AND day = w.day
AND flight = w.flight