I am working on making my own custom command prompt of sorts to make it easier to get things done. I've successfully created the interface and a type
command, but when I tried adding a help
command, it echoes the menu, but my pause >nul
i put in doesn't work, the window just closes. Can you take a look, and help me out?
Thanks in advance!
@echo off
echo Hello!
pause >nul
echo What can I do for you? Type in your commmand! (Type "help" to display a list of every command available.)
set /p command=
if %command%==type (
if %command%==help (
echo What can I do for you? Type in your commmand! (Type "help" to display a list of every command available.)
set /p command=
if %command%==type (
if %command%==help (
pause >nul
echo ----------------------------------
echo Help: Page 1/1
echo Command | What it does
echo help | displays this page
echo type | types a file
echo ----------------------------------
pause >nul
goto :MAIN
If you need the rest of the code, tell me! This is what I think is most important, so I didn't add in the rest.
The thing why the Help part is crashing, is the bar (|) character. When you want to echo special like this, you have to add an escape character (^) in front of them. That part of your code should be like this:
echo ----------------------------------
echo Help: Page 1/1
echo Command ^| What it does
echo help ^| displays this page
echo type ^| types a file
echo ----------------------------------