Search code examples

Secondary Index - ValidationException: The provided starting key is invalid

I use vogels as an object mapper to my DynamoDB, I have a vogels model with the following schema:

Stock: {
   ID: String, (Hash)
   DateUTC: String (Secondary Index) 

if I try to do:

const query = Stock.query('VOD.XLON');

and load all of the items, since I have about 5000 of them:

query.exec((err, result) => {});

I get the error:

ValidationException: The provided starting key is invalid.

Is there anything I am doing wrong on my side, or maybe vogels doesn't work well with loading all items that have secondary indices?


  • I couldn't replicate the issue. However, the below code works fine for the above model.

    var Joi = require('joi');
    var vogels = require('vogels');
    var AWS = require("aws-sdk");
    var creds = new AWS.Credentials('userid', 'password', 'session');
        region: "us-west-2",
        endpoint: "http://localhost:8000",
        credentials: creds
    var Stock = vogels.define('Stock', {
        hashKey: 'ID',
        schema: {
            ID: Joi.string(),
            DateUTC: Joi.string()
        indexes: [{
            hashKey: 'DateUTC', name: 'stock_index', type: 'global'
        tableName: 'stock'
    const query = Stock.query('1');
    query.exec((err, result) => {if(!err) {console.log(JSON.stringify(result,undefined, 2))}});