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Code Coverage with OpenCover and ReportGenerator

I'm trying to set up the batch file to use OpenCover and ReportGenerator for the first time but I can't get it to work.

I have checked a few examples of batch files and the OpenCover and ReportGenerator documentation and my batch file seems to be in line with these. I can't figure out where I am going wrong.

REM Make a 'Reports' directory if it doesn't exist already
mkdir .\reports
REM Run unit tests through OpenCover
 -target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"^
 -targetargs:"/noisolation/testcontainer:\"C:\Users\Michael\Google Drive\FDM Dev Course Content\Workspace\BookStoreTDD\UnitTests\bin\Debug\UnitTests.dll""^
REM Generate the report
REM Open the report
start .\reports\index.htm

Could anyone please tell me where I am going wrong?


  • It looks like you need a space after /noisolation and you need to escape a quote to close the end of the the -targetargs e.g. \"" – Shaun Wilde