So here is an algorithm that is supposed to return the polynomial value of P(x) of a given polynomial with any given x.
A[] is the coefficient array and P[] the power of x array.
(e.g. x^2 +2*x + 1 would have: A[] = {1,2,1} , P[]= {2,1,0})
Also, recPower() = O(logn)
int polynomial(int x, int A[], int P[], int l, int r)
if (r - l == 1)
return ( A[l] * recPower(x, P[l]) ) + ( A[r] * recPower (x, P[r]) );
int m = (l + r) / 2;
return polynomial(x, A, P, l, m) + polynomial(x, A, P, m, r);
How do I go about calculating this time complexity? I am perplexed due to the if statement. I have no idea what the recurrence relation will be.
Following observation might help: As soon as we have r = l + 1
, we spend O(logn) time and we are done.
My answer requires good understanding of Recursion Tree. So proceed wisely.
So our aim is to find : after how many iterations will we be able to tell that we have r = l + 1?
Lets find out:
Focusing on return polynomial(x, A, P, l, m) + polynomial(x, A, P, m, r);
Let us first consider left function polynomial(x, A, P, l, m)
. Key thing to note is that l
, remains constant , in all subsequent left function called recursively.
By left function I mean polynomial(x, A, P, l, m)
and by right function I mean
polynomial(x, A, P, m, r)
For left function polynomial(x, A, P, l, m)
, We have:
First iteration
l = l and r = (l + r)/2
Second iteration
l = l and r = (l + (l + r)/2)/2
which means that
r = (2l + l + r)/2
Third iteration
l = l and r = (l + (l + (l + r)/2)/2)/2
which means that
r = (4l + 2l + l + r)/4
Fourth iteration
l = l and r = (l + (l + (l + (l + r)/2)/2)/2)/2
which means that
r = (8l + 4l + 2l + l + r)/8
This means in nth iteration we have:
r = (l(1 + 2 + 4 + 8 +......2^n-1) + r)/2^n
and terminating condition is r = l + 1
Solving (l(1 + 2 + 4 + 8 +......2^n-1) + r)/2^n = l + 1
, we get
2^n = r - l
This means that n = log(r - l)
. One might say that in all subsequent calls of left function we ignored the other call, that is right function call. The reason is this:
Since in the right function call we l = m
, where m is already a reduced , as we take the mean, and r = r
, which is even more averaged this asymptotically wont have any effect on time complexity.
So our recursion tree will have maximum depth = log(r - l). Its true that not all levels will be fully populated, but for the sake of simplicity, we assume this in asymptotic analysis. So after reaching a depth of log(r - l)
, we call function recPower
, which takes O(logn) time. Total nodes (assuming all levels above are full) at depth log(r - l)
is 2^(log(r - l) - 1)
. For a single node , we take O(logn) time.
Therefore we have total time = O( logn*(2^(log(r - l) - 1)) ).