In the MVC project I'm working I have a kendo dropDownList that calls my server Action to execute any read operation (including filtering):
ServiceRequestAssociabili([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, int? idServiceRequestOriginale)
The widget is bound to 2 properties: IdServiceRequest (value) and IdServiceRequestDescrizione(text).
IdServiceRequest is the Entity Id and IdServiceRequestDescrizione is a computed column which I have defined in the Partial class of the Entity
public string IdServiceRequestDescrizione
if (TipologiaChiamata.IdTipologiaChiamata != (int)Enums.TipologiaChiamata.Automatica)
return IdServiceRequest + " " + Note;
return IdServiceRequest + " " + Email.EmailOggetto;
In order to create the correct linq query to execute the filter I created a System.Linq.Expression that translate my Entity to the DTO containing 2 string properties:
Expression<Func<ServiceRequest, DTO>> funcError = s => new DTO
IdServiceRequest = s.IdServiceRequest,
IdServiceRequestDescrizione = s.IdServiceRequestDescrizione
I then use this Expression to project my IQueryable:
var srq = _serviceRequestRepository.GetByParametersAsQueryable(idServiceRequestOriginale: idServiceRequestOriginale, senzaTicketAssociato: true).Select(funcError).ToList();
When I materialize the query with ToList() the following error occurs:
If I instead of defining IdServiceRequestDescrizione in the partial I define it inside the System.Linq.Expression no error is thrown and everything works fine.
Expression<Func<ServiceRequest, DTO>> func = s => new DTO
IdServiceRequest = s.IdServiceRequest,
IdServiceRequestDescrizione = s.TipologiaChiamata.IdTipologiaChiamata != (int)EntityModel.Enums.TipologiaChiamata.Automatica ? s.IdServiceRequest + " " + s.Note : s.IdServiceRequest + " " + s.Email.EmailOggetto
Can somebody give me a professional explanation of this behavior? Why I can't reference a custom property in the linq Expression?
The computed column is implemented in C#, but EF only operates on the database model (translated to/from SQL).
Your code should work if you reverse the order of method calls to
i.e. the records are first translated into C# entity objects, and then computed columns are accessible. (I usually use NHibernate, but the issue is the same)