I have several templates in my main.html as depicted below. I realised that Template.body.helper({aglobal: return aGlobal}) is not visible in parent templates (like navbarTemplate below). When I define the "aglobal" helper fucntion inside a parent template I can access it in the HTML without a problem. What is the problem here?
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-6">
@Giova.panasiti That wasn't the exact answer that I was looking for but I find the answer in the doc you shared, thanks.
The answer seems to be very simple; "Helpers on Template.body are only available in the tags of your app. To register a global helper, use Template.registerHelper." -- http://blazejs.org/api/templates.html#Template-body