I'm trying to navigate between two scenes using Navigator in react-native. Below is codea for scenes "Example", "LightboxView1". I have put an image inside Lightbox in second scene "LightboxView1". When I run the code, Image doesnt display.
Also If I try to put the image in first scene's lightbox, I get this error "react.children.only expected to receive a single react element child"
var Example = React.createClass({
navigate(id) {
id: id,
component: LightboxView1
render: function() {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.text}><Text>Test Text 1</Text></View>
<Lightbox navigator={this.props.navigator}
renderHeader={close => (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={close}>
<Text style={styles.closeButton}>Close</Text>
<View style={styles.customHeaderBox}><Text>I have a custom header</Text></View>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={ () => this.navigate('second') } style={ styles.button }>
<Text>Second View</Text>
var LightboxView1 = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.text}>
<Text>Lighbox view 1: some example text</Text>
<Lightbox underlayColor="white" navigator={this.props.navigator}>
<Image style={styles.contain} resizeMode="contain"
source={{uri: 'http://www.yayomg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/yayomg-pig-wearing-party-hat.jpg'}}
<TouchableHighlight onPress={ () => this.props.navigator.pop()}>
<Text>First View</Text>
var LightBoxProject = React.createClass({
_renderScene: function(route, navigator){
if(route.component) {
var Component = route.component;
return (<Component navigator={navigator} route={route} {...route.passProps} />);
case "first":
return(<Exmaple navigator={navigator} />);
case "second":
return (<LightboxView1 navigator={navigator}/>);
render: function() {
return (
initialRoute={{ id: 'first', component: Example}}
I believe you didn't set the height
and width
of your image in styles.contain
. The Image
won't render until it's told its size.
As for the react.children.only
error, wrap both the Image
and the header in a single View
and put it and it alone directly inside the Lightbox
edit: since iOS 9 you by default cannot load resources via HTTP. To override this you need to add App Transport Security Exception to your Info.plist